Want to get Feel before it goes to market? Sign up for our Early Adopter program


Stressed? Down?
Having negative thoughts?
You are not alone.

Feel is here for you 24/7.

The Feel program helps you develop positive emotional habits through a combination of Feel Emotion Sensor and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an evidence-based form of psychotherapy.

How we help you Feel better:

Continuous Support

24/7 real-time advice and support when you need it most.

Personalized guidance

Your dedicated licensed therapist personalizes the program to your needs so that you achieve the best and long-lasting result.

Resilience techniques

Learn coping techniques and develop long-term habits to build emotional resilience.

What it is

Feel Emotion Sensor
A wristband with integrated biosensors that continuously monitors a variety of physiological signals to understand the wearer’s emotional state and patterns over time
Feel App
A smartphone app that connects to the wristband to provide real-time support and evidence-based interventions (i.e. mood journaling, breathing exercises)
Licensed Feel Therapist
Weekly, 15-minute remote data-driven sessions with a designated licensed therapist with expertise in CBT
Educational Material
Online educational tools and classes that help you build resilience and positive long-term emotional habits
We provide you with the Feel Emotion Sensor, a wristband that monitors your physiological signals throughout the day and learns to recognize your emotional patterns.
A smartphone app that connects to your wristband to provide real-time support and evidence-based interventions (i.e. mood journaling, breathing exercises)
Weekly, 15-minute remote data-driven sessions with your designated licensed therapist with expertise in CBT
Online educational tools and classes that help you build resilience and positive long-term emotional habits

Feel Safe

Feel emotion sensor recognize 5 emotions - Joy, Stress, Distress, Content, Sadness

Private & Secure

Your data belong only to you. We encrypt them with the highest security standards and share them with your therapist only, to help you in the most effective way.

Created by Experts

The Feel program has come to life after the cooperation of skilled data scientists, researchers and therapists; all of them doing their best to help you achieve a healthy emotional well-being. You are in good hands.

Feel emotion sensor recognize 5 emotions - Joy, Stress, Distress, Content, Sadness


Team Sentio Solutions

The Feel program helped me set goals and work towards achieving them. Everyone should try it.


Team Sentio Solutions

Through the program I started observing my emotions and thinking how to change the negative ones.


It all starts with a single step

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